Hella Gabbert

Hanover premiere! You know Hella from her YouTube channel: Together with her Palomino Golum, her Shetty Valentino and her boyfriend Tom, she publishes entertaining videos from her chaotic everyday stable life every week. Now she is taking part in MiMaMo for the first time - as co-host and with her own show. Be curious!

The horse theater Kunterbunt

To dream & marvel

The Kunterbunt horse theater - the local hero from Wedemark! For years, they have been providing a constantly changing opening show with lots of ponies, horses, artists and performers, always creating new excitement and shining eyes!

Julia Steinbrecher

Barbie & Ken - or boundless horse-pony-love!

She is a Liberty up-and-coming artist and Instagram star: Julia Libertyhorses! As if connected by an invisible bond, she shows pictures full of trust and harmony with her horse and pony rattle gang without saddle and bridle - this year as Barbie & Ken!

Laury Tisseur & Kenzie Dysli

Horse love and connection!

Two equestrian artists, one great passion: horses! Whether under the saddle or in complete freedom: the well-known show rider Laury and Kenzie, known from the Ostwind films, are horse people through and through and enchant with a very special show together!

The islandic horses

The horses of fire & ice

What would the MiMaMo be without the spirited Icelandic horses? With a mixture of speed, perfection and grace, the Icelandic horse riders of the IPZV reinvent themselves every year and provide pure excitement and action with their special gaitsTölt and race pass.

Anne-Gaëlle Bertho from France

The absolute crowd favorite

Many a child dreams of having their own pony. Anne-Gaëlle has several of them! The renowned Liberty artist shows a picture full of trust and harmony with her horse and pony rascals without saddle or bridle.

CavalFlip & Pierre-Antoine Chastang

Speed, action, adrenaline!

If anyone can make an arena go wild, it's definitely stunt riders from France. In terms of action and speed paired with daring acrobatics, these show acts are hard to beat!

Matthes Röckener & Tommy Brüsewitz


When the horse trainer and social media star Matthes Röckener joins forces with the no less internationally renowned vaulter Tommy Brüsewitz, the result can only be something very special! Let yourself be surprised by a special kind of gymnastic show on horseback!

Willy Schauberger

Completely crazy friends!

Old Hanover acquaintances are coming to MiMaMo this year: Willy, his horse and his four lively border collies are a well-rehearsed team and have a lot of show experience at home and abroad. With lots of training, trust and respect, they always manage to wow visitors with their shows.